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MansMatters specialises in non-invasive, nonsurgical procedures.  While we do not perform surgery we collaberate with expereinced Urologists and Andrologists to provide comprehensive care. For information on various treatment options please contact us.

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Frequently Asked Questions about our Peyronie's disease treatments and clinics

Read through our frequently asked questions new clients ask us about our Peyronie's disease treatments.

How do you get Peyronie’s disease?

Peyronie's disease can develop from a minor injury to the penis. This injury may occur during sexual activity, such as excessive bending or pressure from a partner.

It can also result from sports-related injuries, such as being struck in the genital area, or accidental trauma, such as a kick. These injuries can lead to the formation of scar tissue in the penile tissue, which results in what is known as the plaque associated with Peyronie’s disease.

Other factors may be associated with the development of Peyronie’s disease, including health-related issues such as high blood sugar and tobacco use.

Additionally, men with connective tissue disorders, such as Dupuytren’s contracture, may be at higher risk. There may also be a genetic predisposition for men with a family history of Peyronie’s disease.

When Should I See a Men’s Health Specialist?

The sooner that someone with, or who suspects they have Peyronie’s disease, sees a Men’s health specialist, the better the chances for a good outcome.

Here are some potential signs of Peyronie’s disease that you should seek advice about:

  • Penile curvature when erect
  • It shortens
  • Narrowing
  • Painful when hard
  • Unexpectedly soft

A physical examination by a doctor or qualified healthcare provider is often sufficient to identify the presence of scar tissue in the penile tissue, allowing for the diagnosis of Peyronie’s disease. Occasionally, other conditions may cause similar symptoms, and these need to be ruled out. During a physical examination, the doctor will assess the penis through palpation and observation when it is not erect. This examination helps determine the location and extent of any scar tissue present. The doctor may also measure the length of the penis. This initial measurement is useful for assessing any shortening that may occur if the condition progresses.

What is Peyronie’s disease?

Peyronie’s disease is a condition that results from fibrous scar tissue developing in you intimate parts. It causes a curved bend that can be significant. This bend can often cause pain especially during intercourse.

Peyronie’s disease mostly affects men aged over 40, although it can happen at any age. It can also be started following intercourse (read How do you get Peyronie’s Disease?).

When you get Peyronie’s disease, plaques (segments of flat scar tissue), form beneath the skin of your private parts and it is these that cause it to bend or become indented. The plaque (scar tissues) can develop anywhere along the reproductive organ and can often be felt through the skin and be painful when touched.

In severe cases, the curve in the private parts can make having intercourse extremely painful, difficult, or even impossible.

Peyronie’s disease may also lead to further rmen's health problems.

It is extremely rare for Peyronie’s disease to go away on its own. For the vast majority of men, the condition will remain as is or worsen in stages over a period of time.

Early treatment soon after developing the condition can keep it from getting worse and if using Shockwave therapy alleviate the condition. Even if you’ve had the condition for some time, this treatment can help improve symptoms in the majority of cases. Contact us for further details and confidential consultations.

What Preparation Do I Need to Do Today Before my Peyronie’s disease therapy?

To determine your eligibility for treatment, please provide us with your complete medical history, including details of any medications you are currently taking

You should also remove excess hair from your intimate and ensure good hygiene before the visit.

Who is Peyronie’s Disease Named After?

Peyronie’s disease (PD) is named after French surgeon François Gigot de la Peyronie, who described the condition in 1743. He described a patient who had “rosary beads of scar tissue to cause an upward curvature of the male private parts during erection.”

 PD is indicated by a curvature in the shaft that is often preceded by pain and accompanied by an area of fibrosis.

The condition was first described in 1561 in correspondence between Andreas Vesalius a Flemish anatomist, physician, and author of one of the most influential books on human anatomy, De Humani Corporis Fabrica Libri Septem (On the Fabric of the Human Body) and Gabriele Falloppio, an Italian Catholic priest and anatomist often known by his Latin name Fallopius. The Fallopian Tube is named after him.

Read more about The History of Peyronie’s Disease.

Why is Shockwave Therapy an option for Peyronie’s Disease?

As outlined in our Peyronie’s Disease Treatment Option page, Shockwave therapy for Peyronie’s disease is a non surgical, non-invasive treatment. pain free treatment

Will Shockwave Therapy Leave Any Marks or Bruising?

Unless you have a pre-existing condition like haemophilia you will not experience any marks or bruising during or after your treatment.

Is Shockwave Treatment for Peyronie’s Disease Painful?

You may experience mild discomfort, but nothing worse than a moderate visit to the dentist.

Does the Treatment Work for All Patients?

No treatment for Peyronie's disease works for every patient. Peyronie’s Disease is a complete condition and in some instances is resistant to all medical treatments

What Ages of Men Do You Treat?

We can only treat men over the age of 18-years.



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